Core topics of my current reserach are Web Services, distributed systems / digital ecosystems and XML-related technologies. This includes data modelling in XML, Grid technologies, digital ecosystems and XML-based eBusiness-/eGovernment standards.
Current reserarch projects
- Direction of the Worms group in the Textgrid project on the devleopment of a community grid for text-based disciplines in the context of the BMBF-funded D-Grid initiative
- In the TextGrid context direction of the DFG-funded project XML-Print
Complete research project
- Administrative Nomenclature (ADNOM): Design of a distributed semantic-termonological framework for eGovernment applications
- Projektleitung des Projektteams der CEN/ISSS eGovernment Focus Group sowie Mitarbeit bei der Projektumsetzung (gefördert durch die Europäische Union)
- CEN/ISSS Workshops eGov-Share: Leitung von WP1 “Description of eGovernment Resources” und WP3 “Description of Cultural Elements”
- Mitarbeit und Koordination im BMWi-geförderten Projekt “eGovernment-Standards” im Rahmen der BMWi-Maßnahme “Innovation und Normung
You can find the current list of research projects under
Further research interests
- Semiotics and grammatology
- Cultural Diversity in IT systems
- Software internationalization and multilinguality
Honorary posts (past & present, selection)
- Chairman of DIN NI-22 “Programmiersprachen” / programming languages
- Chairman of the CEN/ISSS Cultural Diversity Focus Group
- Chairman of CEN/TC304
- IEEE IES DEST 2006-2009: Track chair / special session “eHumanities”
- IEEE IES DEST 2010 Technical programme chair
- IEEE IES DEST 2011 General chair
- Visiting Scholar at the Digital Ecosystems and Business Intelligence Institute of Curtin University
- Eurovoc Conference: Session Chair “Semantic Web”
- W3C eGov-Washington Programme Committee
- Programme Committee member for the Topic Maps Research and Applications (TMRA) conference (2007ff)
- Programme Committee member for the European Digital Library Conferences (ECDL) 2011
- Programme Committee member for the Techniques and Applications for Mobile Commerce (TAMoCo 2009/2011)
- Reviewer for the IEEE IES Transactions on Industrial Electronics
Keynotes and invited talks (selection)
- CIPA, VAST, EG Joint Conference in Cyprus 2006 on “Culture, Standards, Semiotics and a Bit More” (Keynote)
- IEEE DEST 2006 inaugural Digital Ecosystems Conference in Cairns on “TextGrid as an Digital Ecosystem”
- Topic Maps Research and Applications on “Topic Maps and Semantic Registries” (2007 keynote together with Graham Moore)
- Berliner XML Tage on “Semantic Registries”
- Initiative 21 2007 (in collaboration with the BMWi and BMI) on eGovernment standards from a European view
- ePsiPlus Conference London 2008 on the CEN/ISSS eGovernment Focus Group
- International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR) 2011 on “The Four and a Half Challenges of Humanities Data”